Setting Up A STEM Space For The New School Year

Are you wondering what to include in your STEM space for the year?  It can be overwhelming to know where to begin.  Read on for my personal plan of where to begin.  I will share exactly what I am starting with in hopes that it makes your organization a little easier.

Student Supplies: The first thing that I think about is how I am going to store the supplies the students will use each day.  I do not have a huge budget so the cheaper the bins/organizers, the better!  This is where recyclable materials come in.  Each day the students will use scissors, markers, and glue sticks.  I plan to organize these on the tables in used and cleaned soup/vegetable cans.  I save these as I cook during the summer.  I have 6 tables and each table needs at least 3 cans, this means at least 18 cans will be needed for the year.   In order to keep the cans neat I have built rectangular wood caddies that will fit the cans.  

*It is important to make sure there isn’t any metal sticking out of the cans and that the wood on the caddy is sanded smooth.*

Classroom Walls: As for my classroom walls I like to have at least one wall that will remain the same throughout the year. One of my focuses this year is developing a growth mindset in every student. I plan to use this poster set to display aspects we touch on throughout the year. I went to my local dollar store and purchased 12 black frames. I am going to arrange 12 of these posters in a 2 by 6 array.

I will also use my Growth Mindset Journal to address the concepts in the posters throughout the year.  After we discuss the specific concept the corresponding journal page will be used as an extension for early finishers.  I love how simple and to the point the posters are.  This will allow students to internalize the concepts and they will easily be able to read the sayings from across the room!

Teacher Setup: As for myself there are a few items that are a must have.  The first is that I have a wooden caddy (a bigger version of what I use with the students) on my desk.  Inside the caddie I will use the same soup/vegetable cans to organize pens, pencils, markers, staple remover, and any office supplies that I use regularly. 

I also need to locate and set up my plan book.  I do not use anything fancy.  Just the generic one my district provides for me.  The more simple the better is my opinion. 

Finally, I will create a binder with all of my “must have” forms.  The first section will be for class lists because I will be teaching all of the classes in the building.  Then a seating chart for each class, a copy of my daily schedule, the school phone number list, and all of the drill procedures.  Finally, I will have my class expectations, the four Cs - ​​critical thinking, collaboration, creativity and communication.

All in all, having a general list of the “basics” that I need to help me begin in August allows me to clear my head and begin focusing on the details.  I consider this list the jumping off point for student supplies, wall decor, and teacher tools.  


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